Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 6 Maths Solutions covers the Std 6 Maths Chapter 3 Integers Class 6 Practice Set 4 Answers Solutions.

Question 1.
Classify the following numbers as positive numbers and negative numbers.
-5, +4, -2, 7, +26, -49, -37, 19, -25, +8, 5, -4, -12, 27

Positive Numbers +4, 7, +26, 19, +8, 5, 27
Negative Numbers -5, -2, -49, -37, -25, -4, -12

Question 2.
Given below are the temperatures in some cities. Write them using the proper signs.

Place Shimla Leh Delhi Nagpur
Temperature 7 °C below 0° 12 °C below 0° 22 °C above 0° 31 °C above 0°


Place Shimla Leh Delhi Nagpur
Temperature with proper sign -7 °C -12 °C +22 °C +31 °C

Question 3.
Write the numbers in the following examples using the proper signs.


Maharashtra Board Class 6 Maths Chapter 3 Integers Practice Set 4 Intext Questions and Activities

Question 1.
Take warm water in one beaker, some crushed ice in another and a mixture of salt and crushed ice in a third beaker. Ask your teacher for help in measuring the temperature of the substance in each of the beakers using a thermometer. Note the temperatures. (Textbook pg. no. 13)

( Students should attempt this activity on their own)

Question 2.
Look at the picture of the kulfi man. Why do you think he keeps the kulfi moulds in a mixture of salt and ice? (Textbook pg. no. 14)

Kulfi man keeps the kulfi moulds in a mixture of salt and ice because such a mixture helps in keeping the kulfi cool for a longer period of time. The kulfi kept in the said mixture relatively takes more time to melt. This mixture is Considered ideal as it has the temperature of -4°C as against the temperature of ice i.e. 0°C.

Question 3.
My class, i.e. Std. VI, is a part of my school. My school is in my town. My town is a part of a taluka. In the same way, the taluka is a part of a district, and the district is a part of Maharashtra State. In the same way, what can you say about these groups of numbers? Textbook pg. no. 15)

By observing the above given groups of numbers, we can infer that natural numbers are a part of whole numbers. In turn, whole numbers are a part of integers.