Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Food for All Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 12 Food for All Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
The plant in the pot is not growing well.
Pesticides must be sprayed and manure should be added to the soil, then the plant in the pot will grow.

2. Use your brainpower!

Question 1.
What is the purpose of storing foodgrain in our house?
We store food in our house so that we have food to suffice when food is not available or there is a shortage, or during difficult times like floods, famine or earthquakes.

3. Find and correct the incorrect statements:

Question (a)
There is only one method of farming.
Incorrect, lot of improvised methods are brought about through research.

Question (b)
India is an agricultural country.

Question (c)
Use of improved seeds does not lead to higher yields.
Incorrect, use of improved seeds leads to higher yield.

4. Answer the following:

Question (a)
What are the advantages of using improved seeds?
1. Nowadays, improved seeds are developed through research.
2. These seeds have a higher yield and can resist pest attacks.
3. Some varieties of these seeds become ripe for harvesting in a shorter period while some give a higher yield even with a low supply of water.

Question (b)
Which are the modem methods of irrigation? What are their advantages?
1. Drip irrigation and sprinkle irrigation are the two modem methods of irrigation.
2. These methods ensure that the required amount of water drips only near the plants.
3. Thus, full use is made of the available water and there is no wastage.

Question (c)
Describe the ‘Drip irrigation’ method.
1. The ‘Drip irrigation’ method makes use of pipes with holes.
2. This ensures that the required amount of water drips only near the plants.
3. This method makes full use of the water available without wasting it.

Question (d)
What are the reasons due to which growing crops are damaged?
Diseases and pest attacks are the reasons due to which growing crops are damaged.

Question (e)
What is done to avoid the damage to crops?
As a remedy, insecticides and pesticides are sprayed on crops or certain chemicals are rubbed on the seeds before sowing to avoid damage to crops.

Question (f)
What causes the fertility of the soil to diminish?
1. Overwatering makes the land saline and fallow.
2. Overuse of chemical fertilisers leads to accumulation of excessive chemicals in the soil.
3. This reduces the fertility of the soil and reduces the productivity.

Question (g)
What changes has modern technology brought about in the methods of farming?

Question (h)
What methods are used to preserve food- grains?
1. To prevent damage by pests, chemicals are sprayed at the place of storage or all around it.
2. Neem leaves or some protective chemicals are mixed in the grain as their smell repels insects.
3. Storage places are kept dry and airy to prevent fungus formation.

Question (i)
How is water made available for farming?
1. Huge quantities of water are stored by building dams and bunds on rivers to obstruct the flow of water downstream.
2. Improved methods of irrigation are used which provide enough water to the plants and at the same time, help to save a lot of water.

5. Match the following:

Question 1.
Match the following:

‘A’ ‘B’
1. Grain stored in a damp place (a) Prevents growth of fungus on the grain
2. Grain stored in dry air (b) Prevents insect infestation
3. Adding proper chemicals to the stored grain (c) Fungus attach


‘A’ ‘B’
1. Grain stored in a damp place (c) Fungus attach
2. Grain stored in dry air (a) Prevents growth of fungus on the grain
3. Adding proper chemicals to the stored grain (b) Prevents insect infestation

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 12 Food for All Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
We get food from ……………… .
(a) shops
(b) plants
(c) school
(b) plants

Question 2.
To get food, we sow grains in fields and plant ……………….. trees in ochards.
(a) fruit
(b) jowar
(c) sweet potatoes
(a) fruit

Question 3.
About …………………. of the land of our country is used for agriculture.
(a) 50%
(b) 60%
(c) 70%
(b) 60%

Question 4.
The agricultural season from June to October is called the ……………… season.
(a) kharif
(b) rabi
(c) summer
(a) kharif

Question 5.
The agricultural season from October to March is called the ………………….. season.
(a) kharif
(b) rabi
(c) summer
(b) rabi

Question 6.
The crops grown from March to June are called ………………….. crops.
(a) winter
(b) monsoon
(c) summer
(c) summer

Question 7.
Every farmer wishes to get a good ……………… .
(a) holiday
(b) harvest
(c) sleep
(b) harvest

Question 8.
A good harvest provides the farmer a ……………. income.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) ugly
(a) good

Question 9.
The harvested crop must be ………………. safely.
(a) protected
(b) collected
(c) stored
(c) stored

Question 10.
The population of our country is ………………. .
(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
(c) diminishing
(a) increasing

Question 11.
In the traditional methods of agriculture ploughing was carried out with the help of
(a) oxen
(b) cow
(c) buffalo
(a) oxen

Question 12.
A ‘mot’ driven with the help of …………………… was used to draw water from the well.
(a) cow
(b) dogs
(c) oxen
(c) oxen

Question 13.
Farmers now carry out all their tasks with the help of ………………… .
(a) machines
(b) oxens
(c) bullocks
(a) machines

Question 14.
Improved seeds are developed through ………………… .
(a) ploughing
(b) studying
(c) research
(c) research

Question 15.
Improved seeds have a higher ………………. .
(a) yield
(b) field
(c) goals
(a) yield

Question 16.
Crops grow well if they are ………………. at the right time.
(a) poltered
(b) tilled
(c) watered
(c) watered

Question 17.
Dams and bunds help to raise the levels of …………….. .
(a) well water
(b) ground water
(c) rain water
(b) ground water

Question 18.
Crops were traditionally watered through
(a) canals
(b) streams
(c) rivers
(a) canals

Question 19.
Drip and sprinkle irrigation are …………………. methods of irrigation.
(a) urban
(b) rural
(c) modern
(c) modern

Question 20.
If the same crops are grown frequently in a field, the ………………. of the soil decreases.
(a) fertility
(b) water
(c) manure
(a) fertility

Question 21.
We have to add fertilizers to the soil to restore its ……………… .
(a) irrigation
(b) productivity
(c) yield
(b) productivity

Question 22.
Fertilizers provide the required ………………. substance to the crop.
(a) productive
(b) nutritive
(c) chemical
(b) nutritive

Question 23.
Natural fertilizers are called
(a) manures
(b) chemicals
(c) pesticides
(a) manures

Question 24.
…………………. makes the land saline and fallow.
(a) Manure
(b) Pesticides
(c) Overwatering
(c) Overwatering

Question 25.
Disease and pest attacks can ………………… crops in the field.
(a) damage
(b) restore
(c) revive
(a) damage

Question 26.
The grain is dried well in the sun and filled in
(a) pots
(b) tanks
(c) sacks
(c) sacks

Question 27.
Storage places are always kept dry and airy to prevent ………………… formation.
(a) colour
(b) fungus
(c) insect
(b) fungus

Question 28.
All the time, plants are busy ………………… the food they need.
(a) producing
(b) mincing
(c) cooking
(a) producing

Question 29.
Plants ……………….. food in their stems or roots.
(a) eat
(b) produce
(c) store
(c) store

Question 30.
In India, due to the improved methods of cultivation, we now produce plenty of ………………….. .
(a) grass
(b) plants
(c) foodgrains
(c) foodgrains

Question 31.
The surplus foodgrain is stored in huge ……………………. .
(a) godowns
(b) house
(c) warehouse
(c) warehouse

Question 32.
Today our country is ………………… as far as production of foodgrains is concerned.
(a) self-reliant
(b) self-help
(c) self-study
(a) self-reliant

Question 33.
………………… was responsible to bring about the Green Revolution in India.
(a) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
(b) Tukdoji Maharaj
(c) Sant Gadgebaba
(a) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan

Question 34.
In ……………. our country too enacted a food security law.
(a) 2013
(b) 2014
(c) 2015
(a) 2013

Question 35.
Agricultural schools have also been started for
(а) scholars
(b) students
(c) farmers
(c) farmers

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What percent of land is used for agriculture in our country?
About 60% of the land in our country is used for agriculture.

Question 2.
Name the two main agricultural seasons in our country.
The Kharif and the Rabi seasons are the two main agricultural seasons.

Question 3.
What is Kharif season?
The season from June to October when crops are watered mainly by rain, it is called Kharif season.

Question 4.
What is Rabi season?
The season from October to March when the rain soaked soil, retreating monsoon and dew water the crops, it is Rabi season.

Question 5.
What are summer crops?
Crops grown from March to June are called summer crops.

Question 6.
What is essential for a good harvest?
Fertile land, good quality seeds and fertilizers and availability of water are essential for a good harvest.

Question 7.
How has it been possible to fulfill the needs of all the people?
Though the population of the country is increasing, the needs of the people are fulfilled because of the modern improved methods of agriculture.

Question 8.
How did the oxen help the fanner, in the traditional methods of agriculture?
In the traditional method of agriculture, ploughing, tilling, harvesting, threshing as well as drawing water from the well was all done with the help of an oxen.

Question 9.
What helps farmers to do all their work?
The farmer carries out all his tasks with the help of machines.

Question 10.
Traditionally how were crops watered?
Crops were traditionally watered through canals.

Question 11.
Which are the modem methods of irrigation?
Drip irrigation and sprinkle irrigation are the two modem methods of irrigation.

Question 12.
What is sprinkle irrigation?
Sprinkle irrigation makes use of sprinklers of different sizes that spray water directly on plants.

Question 13.
What happens when the same crops are grown frequently in a field?
If the same crops are grown frequently in a field, the fertility of the soil decreases.

Question 14.
What do fertilizers do to the soil?
Fertilizers provide the required nutritive substances to the crop and restores its productivity.

Question 15.
Which are the two types of fertilizers?
Natural and chemical are the two types of fertilizers.

Question 16.
How is manure obtained?
Manure is obtained from materials available in nature like green waste and animal dung.

Question 17.
How are chemical fertilizers made?
Chemical or artificial fertilizers are mixtures of different chemical substances in specific proportions, useful for agriculture.

Question 18.
What happens to soil when it is over-watered?
Overwatering makes the land saline and fallow.

Question 19.
Where do plants store their food?
Plants store their food in their stems or roots.

Question 20.
What is done to the surplus foodgrain, in India?
In India, the surplus foodgrain is stored in huge warehouses.

Question 21.
Who gets credit for the research that led to ‘Green Revolution’?
Dr. M. S. Swaminathan gets credit for the research that led to ‘Green Revolution’.

Question 22.
What is ‘Green Revolution’?
Improved quality of seeds of wheat and rice that led to tremendous increase in the production of these foodgrains is called ‘Green Revolution’.

Question 23.
What are ‘Food Security laws’?
Laws to ensure that every person gets sufficient food according to his need are ‘Food Security laws’.

Question 24.
What is Organic farming?
Farming that relies on natural materials is called organic farming.

What are the benefits of ‘Organic farming’?

Question 1.
What are the benefits of ‘Organic farming’?
1. In ‘Organic farming’, the nutritive substances in the soil are retained.
2. The organic pesticides used in this method have no harmful effects on those who eat the produce.
3. The grain grown by this method is nutritious and also good to taste. That is why farmers have begun to opt for organic farming methods.