Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 7 Non-co-operation Movement Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 8 History Chapter 7 Non-co-operation Movement Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options :

Question 1.
Gandhiji began his career from the country of …………. .
(a) India
(b) England
(c) South Africa
(d) Myanmar
(c) South Africa

Question 2.
The farmers started the no-tax movement in the district of ………….
(a) Gorakhpur
(b) Kheda
(c) Solapur
(d) Amravati
(b) Kheda

Question 3.
As a protest to Jallianwala Baug massacre, Rabindranath Tagore returned the title of ………… bestowed upon him by the British government.
(a) Lord
(b) Sir
(c) Raobahadur
(d) Raosaheb
(b) Sir

2. Answer the following questions in one sentence :

Question 1.
Which restriction were put up on the Blacks in South Africa according to the declaration of 1906?
In 1906, the government declared that the Blacks in South Africa should compulsorily carry an identity card. This was the restriction imposed on their freedom.

Question 2.
Where did Gandhiji launch the first Satyagraha in India?
The first Satyagraha in India was launched by Gandhiji at Champaran at Bihar in 1917.

Question 3.
Which officer gave orders of firing in the Jallianwala Baug?
General Dyer gave orders of firing in the Jallianwala Baug.

3. Answer the following questions in 25-30 words :

Question 1.
Explain the philosophy of Satyagraha.

Question 2.
Why was the Swaraj Party formed?
1. The members of the Indian National Congress like Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das put an idea to contest elections and enter the Legislative Assembly and Provincial Legislative Council to obstruct the working of the government and oppose the unjust policies.
2. Therefore, they formed the Swaraj Party in 1922.

4. Explain the following statements with reasons :

Question 1.
Rowlatt Act was opposed by the people of India.

Question 2.
Gandhiji suspended the Non-co-operation Movement.

Question 3.
The Indians boycotted the Simon Commission.

Question 4.
Khilafat movement was started in India.

Do you Know?
Mulshi Satyagraha (1920-1924):
Muishi Pethcz was a small viilage,with hilly terrain, approximately 40-45 kms away from Pune. The Tata Company decided to set up hydro-electricity project in this part. It was given permission by the British government. The dam would have displaced 52 villages and 11000 people. There was no consent taken from the people nor was there any programme for their rehabilitation. The farmers started their struggle against a mighty power and influential capitalists. Senapa’ti Pandurcing Mahadev Bapat led the struggle. People started caffing him Senapati Bapat. In spite of resisting it for four years, they were unsuccessful. The Satyagraha became inspirational not only in India but all over the world wherever the issue of rehabilitation came up.


Trace out the pledge of independence that was taken on 26th January 1930 and read it aloud collectively in the classroom.

Class 8 History Chapter 7 Non-co-operation Movement Additional Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options :

Question 1.
The period between 1920-1947 in the Indian national movement is known as ………….
(a) Moderate Phase
(b) Extremist Phase
(c) Revolutionary Period
(d) Gandhian Era
(d) Gandhian Era

Question 2.
…………. suggested Gandhiji to tour the entire nation when he returned from South Africa.
(a) Dadabhai Nowrojee
(b) Surendranath Banerjee
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Lokmanya Tilak
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Question 3.
After the death of Lokmanya Tilak in 1920, the reins of freedom movement went into the hands of ………….
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Subash Chandra Bose
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Mahatma Gandhi

Question 4.
…………. Commission was appointed to enquire about Jallianwala Baug massacre.
(a) Hunter
(b) Simon
(c) Minto
(d) Rowlatt
(a) Hunter

Question 5.
The Resolution of Non-co-operation Movement was put forth by Chittaranjan Das in ………. session of Indian National Congress.
(a) Lahore
(b) Nagpur
(c) Mumbai
(d) Amritsar
(b) Nagpur

Question 6.
An officer named attacked Lalaji with a lathi at Lahore.
(a) Dyer
(b) Hunter
(c) Odwire
(d) Saunders
(d) Saunders

Question 7.
……………., Secretary of State, criticised that Indians were incapable of drafting a constitution.
(a) Morley
(b) Minto
(c) Berkenhead
(d) Montague
(c) Berkenhead

Identify the wrong pair and correct it:

Work – Leader

(1) President of the Lahore session of
Congress – Motilal Nehru

(2) Demonstrated against Simon
commission at Lahore – Lala Lajpat Rai

(3) Held satyagraha
in South Africa – Mahatma Gandhi

(4) Led the Mulshi
Satyagraha – Senapati Bapat
Wrong pair : President of the Lahore session of Congress
– Motilal Nehru.
Corrected pair : President of the Lahore session of Congress
– Jawaharlal Nehru.

Name the following:

Question 1.
Leaders in other countries who were influenced by Satyagraha technique of Mahatma Gandhi.
(1) …………………………………….
(2) …………………………………….
(1) Martin Luther King in USA
(2) Nelson Mandela in South Africa

Question 2.
Young Congress leaders who demanded Poorna Swaraj.
(1) …………………………………….
(2) …………………………………….
(1) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(2) Subash Chandra Bose

Question 3.
Eminent lawyers who boycotted court by giving up their practice
(1) …………………………………….
(2) …………………………………….
(1) Pandit Motilal Nehru
(2) Chittaranjan Das.

Complete the graphical presentation :

Question 1.


Question 2.


Question 3.


Answer the following questions in one sentence :

Question 1.
Which principles gave a new direction to the freedom movement?
The principles of truth and non-violence gave new direction to the freedom movement.

Question 2.
How was the constructive programme beneficial?
Due to the constructive programme, the national movement became more comprehensive in rural areas.

Question 3.
How did Lala Lajpat Rai react after he was attacked by the British officer?
Lala Lajpat Rai said that Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the coffin of the British Empire, when he was attacked by the British officer.

Write short note :

Question 1.
Gandhiji’s work in South Africa :

Question 2.
Champaran Satyagraha :

Question 3.
Work of Swaraj Party :

Question 4.
Nehru Report :
1. Berkenhead, the Secretary of State of India, criticised that Indian leaders were incapable of drafting a unanimously accepted constitution for India.
2. This challenge was taken up by all party committee under the chairmanship of Pandit Motilal Nehru.
3. The proposals of the Nehru Report were :

Explain the following statements with reasons :

Question 1.
No-tax campaign in Kheda district was successful.

Question 2.
The movement started by Mill workers at Ahmedabad was successful.

Question 3.
The British government passed the Rowlatt Act in 1919.

Answer the following questions in 25-30 words :

Question 1.
Why was the Hunter Commission appointed?

Question 2.
Why did Gandhiji support the Khilafat movement?

Question 3.
How was Simon Commission opposed in India?

Question 4.
Why was Gandhiji sent to six years of imprisonment?

Read the passage and answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
What was the pledge taken by Indians on 26th January 1930?
On 26th January 1930, people all over the country took the pledge for carrying out of freedom movement with non-violent means for attainment of independence of India.

Question 2.
Why was the demand of Poorna Swaraj passed in Lahore session?
1. The objective of Dominion Status was not acceptable to Pandit Nehru, Subash Chandra Bose and other young leaders.
2. Due to their influence, the resolution of demanding complete independence i.e. ‘Poorna Swaraj’ was passed in the Lahore session.

Question 3
Why was the Lahore session historic?

Answer the following in detail :

Question 1.
Give an account of the Jallianwala Baug Massacre.
Points :
(a) Preceding events
(b) Massacre
(c) Reactions

(a) Preceding events :

(b) Massacre :

(c) Reactions :

Question 2.
Give an account of the Non-co-operation.

Question 3.
Do you feel that the nation still needs the constructive programme started by Mahatma Gandhi? Why?

Therefore it is necessary to implement constructive programme in present times.