Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Give reasons why the following sentences are right or wrong:

Geography Class 9 Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Question 1.
The main aim of distributional maps is to show location.
Wrong The main aim of distributional maps is to show the distribution of variables like temperature, rainfall, population, etc.

Thus, the main aim of distributional maps is to show the distribution of variables in a particular region.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Distributional Maps Class 9 Question 2.
In choropleth maps, only one value is assigned to the sub-administrative unit.

Thus, in choropleth maps, only one value is assigned to sub administrative unit.

Distributional Maps Questions And Answers Question 3.
In choropleth maps, colours/tints do not change according to the values of the variables.
In choropleth maps, colours/tints change according to the values of variables.

Distributional Map Question 4.
Choropleth maps are used to show altitudes.
Isopleth maps and not the choropleth maps are used to show altitude.

Question 5.
Isopleth maps are used to show population distribution.
Dot method maps or choropleth method maps are used to show population distribution

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6.
In dot method, every dot should have an appropriate scale.
The size of the dot is decided as per the value of a variable that is freely scattered across the region.

Question 7.
Isopleth maps are not made using isolines.
Isopleth maps are made using isolines.

Question 8.
Distribution of various geographical elements can be shown using dot method.
Distribution of various geographical elements cannot be shown using dot method.

2. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Explain the use and types of distributional maps.
(a) Use of distributional maps: The distributional maps are useful for explaining the patterns of distribution of a particular geographical variable.
(b) The types of distributional maps : The following are the types of distributional maps.

Question 2.
Differentiate between choropleth and isopleths methods.

Choropleth Method Isopleth Method
(1) In Choropleth method maps, the distribution of various variables are shown by shading or using tints of the same colour. (1) In Isopleth method maps, the distribution of various variables are shown with the help of isolines.
(2) When the distribution of a variable is not continuous, the choropleth method is used. (2) When the distribution of a variable is continuous, the isopleth method is used.
(3) Choropleth method is used to show population density, cattle distribution etc. (3) Isopleth method are used to show altitude, temperature, rainfall of a region etc.

Question 3.
Explain with reasons the method which is best suited to show the distribution of population in a region.

3. Which method will you use for the following information?

Question 1.
Talukawise wheat production in the district
Dot method

Question 2.
Distribution of the altitude of the land in the district.
Isopleth method

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 3.
Distribution of domestic animals in the State
Dot method

Question 4.
The distribution of population density in India
Choropleth method

Question 5.
Temperature distribution in Maharashtra State.
Isopleth method

4. Study the population distribution map of Kolhapur district and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which method has been used to show the distribution of population in the district?
The dot method has been used to show the distribution of population in the district.

Question 2.
Explain the direction wise distribution of the population from dense to sparse.
The distribution of the population is dense in the Eastern part of the district, whereas the western part of the district has low density of population.

Question 3.
What is the population shown by the largest circle? Which place is that?
The population shown by the largest circle is nearly 20 lakhs. That place is Kolhapur city (Karvir Taluka)

Question 4.
Which Taluka has the least population?
Gaganbavada Taluka has the least population.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Intext Questions and Answers

Make friends with maps!
Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Question 1.
What is the population of the Amravati town?
The population of the Amravati town is nearly 5 lakhs.

Question 2.
Name the place having population of 1 lakh on the map.
Achalpur has a population of 1 lakh

Question 3.
Which part of the map shows sparse distribution of population?
The northwestern part of the map shows sparse distribution of population

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 1.
Name the talukas having population density between 301 and 400 persons per sq km.
Anjangao Surji has population density between 301 and 400 persons per sq km

Question 2.
What is the density of the Amravati taluka?
Amravati taluka has the population density of more than 400 persons per sq km

Question 3.
Name the talukas having population density less than 300 persons per sq km.
Dharini, Chikaldhara, Daryapur, Chandur Bazar, Morshi, Varud, Tivsa, Dhamangaon Railway, Nandgaon Khandeshwar and Bhatkuli have population density less than 300 persons per sq km.

Question 4.
Which taluka has a population density of less than 100 persons per sq km?
Chikaldhara has population density of less than 100 persons per sq km.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
Which Talukas have a population density of more than 400 persons per sq km?
Amravati and Achalpur have the population density of more than 400 persons per sq km.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Question 1.
In which part of the district is the rainfall more?
Rainfall is more in the Northern part of the district.

Question 2.
In which direction is the rainfall decreasing?
Rainfall is decreasing towards the west

Question 3.
What is the lowest value of the rainfall in the district?
The lowest value of the rainfall in the district is less than 800 mm.

Question 4.
What is the highest value of the rainfall in the district?
The highest value of the rainfall in the district is more than 1300 mm.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
What is the amount of rainfall in the central part of the district?
The amount of rainfall in the central part of the district is 900 mm.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Question 1.
In which direction is the density of population decreasing?
The density of population is decreasing towards the North and South direction.

Question 2.
Name the talukas with a population density less than 200.
Shahuwadi, Gaganbavada, Ajra and Chandgad have a population density of less than 200.

Question 3.
Name the talukas having population density between 200 and 400.
Radhanagri and Gargoti have population density between 200 and 400.

Question 4.
Name the talukas with a population density more than 400.
Kolhapur, Panhala, Hatkanangale, Shirol, Gadhinglaj and Kagal have population density more than 400.

Question 5.
In which direction are the talukas having a higher density of population located in the district?
The Eastern part of Kolhapur has a higher density of population.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6
Which method has been used in the making of this map?
Choropleth method is used in making this map.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Question 1.
In which direction is the rainfall more in the district?
The rainfall is more in the Western part of the district.

Question 2.
In which direction is the rainfall decreasing?
The rainfall is decreasing towards the East.

Question 3.
Which class shows low rainfall category in the district?
O to 600 mm class shows low rainfall category in the district.

Question 4.
Which class shows high rainfall category in the district?
More than 2400 (2400 to 3000 mm) class shows high rainfall category in the district.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
Which method has been used in making this map?
The Isopleth method has been used in making this map

Study the population distribution map of Kolhapur district and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
A field visit is an important study method in Geography.

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the statements choosing the correct option:

Question 1.
The main aim of distributional maps is to show the location of the place and of variables.
(a) population
(b) statistics
(c) consumption
(d) distribution
(d) distribution

Question 2.
Distributional maps are of types.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
(b) three

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 3.
To draw distributional maps, we need data.
(a) statistical
(b) population
(c) colourful
(d) distance
(a) statistical

Question 4.
The distribution of population is shown by method.
(a) dot
(b) choropleth
(c) isopleth
(d) isolines
(a) dot

Question 5.
In maps, the data regarding various geographical variables are shown by shading or tints of various colours.
(a) dot
(b) choropleth,
(c) isopleth
(d) thematic
(b) choropleth

Question 6.
When the distribution of a variable is discontinuous the map is used.
(a) isopleth
(b) physical
(c) choropleth
(d) dot
(c) choropleth

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 7.
In method, lines showing equal values are used.
(a) choropleth
(b) isopleth
(c) dot
(d) planar
(b) isopleth

Question 8.
When the distribution of a variable is the isopleth method is used.
(a) continuous
(b) discontinuous
(c) sparse
(d) disjoint
(a) continuous

Question 9.
While showing population distribution, urban population is shown by
(a) circles
(b) dots
(c) squares
(d) lines
(a) circles

Question 10.
is an important study method in Geography.
(a) Maps
(b) Field visit
(c) Picnic
(d) farm visit
(b) Field visit

Match the column.

Question 1.

Group A Group B
(1) Dot method (a) distribution of temperature
(2) Choropleth method (b) distribution of cotton crop
(3) Isopleth method (c) density of population

(1 – b),
(2 – c),
(3 – a)

Question 2.

Group A Group A
(1) Dot method
(2) Choropleth method
(3) Isopleth method
(a) variables are freely scattered
(b) distribution of the variable is continuous
(c) distribution of the variable is shown in sub administrative unit

(1 – a),
(2 – c),
(3 – b)

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What are distributional maps?
Maps that show the distribution of various geographical variables are called ‘distributional maps’.

Question 2.
What are thematic maps?
Maps that are prepared with special themes are called ‘thematic maps’.

Question 3.
What is a dot-method map?
A dot method map is a map type, that shows the distribution of a variable using dot symbols.

Question 4.
What is a choropleth method map?
A choropleth method map is a map type, in which the distribution of a variable is shown by shades or tint of various colours.

Question 5.
When do we use the isopleth method for showing the distribution of a variable on a map?
We use the isopleth method for showing the distribution of a variable on a map, when the distribution of the variable is continuous.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6.
What is an isopleth method map?
An isopleth method map, is a map type, that shows distribution of a variable with the help of lines showing equal values.

Question 7.
What is point related data?
The statistical data of particular variables with respect to various places is called ‘point-related data’.

Question 8.
Which elements are generally studied in a geographical field visit?
The various elements which can be studied during geographical field visits include physical landforms, river banks, dams, coastal areas, tourism sites, offices or museums related to geographical elements, villages, forest areas etc.

Question 9.
Mention the list of things to be carried while going on a geographical field visit?
The various things which one should carry to a geographical field visit include notebook, specimen Questionnaire, pen pencil, scale, tape, compass, bag for collecting samples, maps, camera, etc.

Question 10.
What is field report?
The report written on the basis of the information obtained from a field visit is known as field report.

Which method will you use for the following information:

Question 1.
The distribution of rainfall in the district of Nandurbar.
Isopleth Method

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 2.
Cotton crop distribution in Maharashtra.
Dot method

Question 3.
Draw a map using the Dot Method:


Question 1.
Choropleth method

Question 2.
Preparations for field visit

Question 3.
Selection of the study area

Question 4.
Report writing